We've been getting into a great routine lately. I want to start looking for some interactive learning activities to do with Samuel during the day. Hopefully I'll get around to that soon. I'm so glad its been warm and sunny lately. We go on lots of walks, to the park and play outside A LOT. Here are some shots from our past couple of weeks. Sorry about the quality, they are from my phone. Enjoy!
Samuel was trying to be so gentle with the cat, but he got a little scratched...
Doesn't seem to understand the tray stays on the stand, not his head.
Can you find Samuel?
This kid sits in the strangest positions when watching TV
Samuel LOVES reading. Loves Loves Loves Books.
and drawing...
and his baba's. This is a funny picture. Such a strange kid. Don't know where he gets it from.
Again, loves reading. Especially with his BF Kayla.
And of course climbing on any and everything
You can probably see why I need one of these every morning
Hey Katie,
I found this blog awhile ago that had learning activities for toddlers on it and it's been so helpful to me: icanteachmychild.com. She's trying to get more activities on there for 1-2 year olds so most of them work better for 3 and up but I've still found some useful ideas on there...and in the meantime, discovered that Johnathan was already doing some of her ideas on his own--score! Congrats on your new little girl coming soon--how fun!
Thanks for the tip! I will definately check it out!! Hope everything is great with you!!!
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