Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Curtis!!

Curtis turns 26 years old today! We have many great festivities planned for him. Samuel turns ONE on Friday! It will be so fun to see him at his first birthday party. I'll be sure and post pictures of both birthdays.

Samuel and I were watching a video on YOUTUBE, he was sitting on my lap. I looked over at him and he had fallen asleep. Just out of no where. It was the cutest thing. He has been playing so hard lately. Climbing over everything. I guess all you have to do it get him to sit still for two seconds and he's out. It was adorable.

As for the other baby, we are 8 weeks along. Everything is going great! No morning sickness, just like with Samuel. I have a SUPER sensitive nose and food is disgusting. I can't wait until I can enjoy it again. Only one more month!!! I am of course super exhausted. Sleeping a lot. It sure is different being pregnant with a one year old then with no child. I can't wait to find out the gender of the baby. I'm sure this pregnancy is going to FLY.

1 comment:

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

happy birthday curtis. 26 was a fantastic year for us.