Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back into Couponing

Well after a LONG break from couponing - we are back. Five trips- and some long conversations with cashiers, we found some great deals.

King Soopers (trip #1)
20 boxes of Cream Cheese = FREE
12 cups of Yogurt = FREE
10 cans of tomato soup = $8.00 ($.80 each)
6 bottles of BBQ Sauce = $3.00 ($.50 each)
2 bottles of Tabasco Sauce = $1.40 ($.70 each)
TOTAL = $12.40

12 boxes of pasta = $3.00 ($.25 each)
12 jars of pasta sauce = $3.00 ($.25 each)
14 bottles of salad dressing = $2.66 ($.19 each)
TOTAL = $8.66
5 boxes of cereal = $5.00
7 bottles of dish soap = FREE
6 bottles of hand soap = FREE
18 packs of gum = FREE
TOTAL = $5.00

3 10lb bags of potato's = $2.64 ($.88 each)
5 bags of cheese = $5.00
24 sticks of chap stick = FREE
4 packs of razors = FREE
TOTAL = $7.64

10 cups of nabisco snacks = FREE
5 bottles of BBQ Sauce = $1.90
6 cups of yogurt = FREE
TOTAL = $1.90
GRAND TOTAL = $35.60
I would have to say I am pretty pleased. I am starting to get a pretty good stock pile of things in my cupboard and that's the main goal, to buy it when its really cheap so I don't have to buy it at full price. Happy Couponing!!!

(Please note, if you were actually counting the number of items above, some are missing because i happily shared some with my shopping buddy :) but those were the grand totals)

1 comment:

JoAnna said...

*laughs* I can imagine some of those cashier conversations, I wish I could've watched. It boggles my little mind how much you're saving, and I still don't really get how you do the whole "couponing" process, but that's okay. It's still cool. :)