Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Go Go GO

Friday we will leave for Utah on a business trip till Saturday when we will drive back, Pick Samuel up, sleep, then drive to Kansas, sleep, then drive to Missouri- for a family vacation. Its going to be an amazing week!
Because curtis is such a stud and an extremely disciplined and hard worker, we get the honor of speaking at the conference- being the top producers below Regional Vice President. I know that probably doesn't mean a whole lot to most of you but it is HUGE to us. Last conference we went to we were able to hear from the top producers and learned so much. Curtis set a goal to speak at the next conference, and here we are. Not only speaking as a top producer but being THE top producer. I am so grateful everyday for what an amazing man curtis is. I love that he is motivated to do something with his life and will fight to the end to reach his goals and our goals. And we are so blessed to work with such amazing people who fight to see each other do great and be great.

Getting ready for this trip has been fun and i have actually kept myself ahead of the game. So much so that i invited some friends over for dinner this evening. I had a great plan to make curry and relax and chat but here is what actually happened.

5:15 return home form running errands, put groceries away, feed Samuel, put samuel down let his crawl around and play/whine and be clingy because he was already tried, started chopping up the veggies for dinner
5:30 husband calls and says- oh some guys are coming by to look at the car (we are trying to sell) at 6. FREAK OUT and start brainstorming how i am going to finish cooking dinner, get samuel a bath and to bed while showing someone our car. start chopping veggies faster. most of dinner is ready, at least the veggies are chopped and the potatoes are starting to steam, rinse the rice . Try to maneuver around the kitchen in a quick manor but can't move because baby is practicing his walking by doing circle eights around my legs. no one has showed up to look at the car and baby is getting really fussy and ready for bed.put baby in bath tub with water running and plug out. Baby is happy. continue cooking. guys show up to look at car. Quickly grab child from tub with towel answer the door, take potatoes off steamer and add new ones, run around to the garage, naked baby in arms. Chat with men about car, call husband, run inside to check dinner- rice has been boiling for 20 minutes, turn it down put a lid on it and simmer. Put baby in diaper and jammies and go back outside. Run inside and look for paperwork, search car for paperwork. Didn't find it, go look in the jeep. Still no paperwork. Go back to the garage, neighbors come home, be friendly and socialize, let children play together, try to help the people with the car, oh! Remember dinner- leave baby with neighbors in his jammies on the ground outside, run inside and switch dishes around, cook some more, go back outside- talk to guys, talk to neighbors, talk to Curtis- sold car. Sprinklers come on and baby crawls through them. Look at baby- go back inside type up a bill of sale, talk with guy about deposit and process, graciously accept money, friends pull up to house for dinner, baby crawling round in the sprinklers and mud(due to new sod) with the neighbors, say goodbye to man, hello friends- dinner isn't ready, cook some more, decide to go get baby from outside,cook cook, chat chat, baby crawling around naked( due to muddy clothes) and fussy- REALLY ready to go to sleep. Cook cook chat chat. put samuel to sleep, dinner is finally ready- hope it tastes good. Friends patiently tiredly waiting, sit, eat, chat baby wakes up, put baby back to sleep, eat, chat, dad calls, chat, friends leave. Sit down in utter exhaustion.

Utah/Kansas/Missouri here we come!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPaad


1 comment:

Belinda said...

Katie, That was great! These are the memories you will never forget! Savor them! So proud of you guys and not surprised either!

Congratulations on the honor and keep reaching for those goals! You can do all things through Christ and when He is with you no one can will be able to stop you!