Wednesday, March 27, 2013

33 weeks and counting

We made it to Kansas the beginning of march and are still working on getting settled in. But we are getting there!

Curtis and his dad are almost finished building a fence so the little tods can play outside, just In time for the warmer weather.

Josie is talking like crazy and really starting to pronounce her letters more clear. She is so smart and fun. Starting to get into everything, as every almost two year old does.

Samuel is sooo helpful, and turning into such a sweet little man. He is very excited about the two babies in my tummy and often sympathizes because apparently he has five babies in his tummy. ;)

Samuel and Josie are just getting to the age where they are having conversations together and having a blast playing together. So fun to watch.

I spend most all of my time sitting or laying. I am pretty restless and anxious for these babies to get here. Trying to find things to keep me busy. for all you who know me, sitting around all day is quite a difficult task for me, especially when there is soo much to do! But I'm trying to not be so selfish and keep the twins health as 1st priority.

We saw our new doctor on Monday and she is fabulous. We decided to deliver at Shawnee missions medical center with the help of a recommendation from a family friend (thanks Belinda!).

Here are the stats on the twins as I'm sure everyone is anxious to know:
33 weeks
Baby girl is 3 lbs 14 ounces
Baby boy is 4 lbs 1 ounce
The boy has always been a little bigger then the girl.
They are both sitting head up right now which, if they don't flip, will mean I'll have to have a c-section. So I'm trying to do fun things to get them to flip :)
I am measuring 51 weeks. Rather large. Haha.
The goal is to get to at least 36 weeks. 36 weeks is the average delivery time for twins. 38 weeks is when we will deliver if they haven't come by then.
If I go into labor this next week they will try and stop the labor but after 34 weeks they will just let it happen. So it looks like they will be April babies, assuming I don't go into labor in the next few days.

I'll be seeing the doctor once a week from now on. Every Friday.

That's about it! Here are some picture to enjoy.

Baby girls profile

Baby boys face

Comparison shot from march 14 (left) and one and a half weeks later, march 25 (right). They should grow about 1/2 pound each, each weeks from now on.

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